Welcome back after a long and hopefully very relaxing summer. September always seems so crazy with the return to work, school and general chores. With that in mind, it's time to regroup and organize our first event of the fall. We can now focus on having a bit of fun, can't we?
Here are some suggestions for our October-November-December events!
1. Cook like a real Japanese chef- from tsukiji market with Akiko!

Akiko is a former chef at Nobu, Pong (Pichet's Ong's dessert bar) and Hudson yard catering (Danny Meyer's catering). It is a 4hr30 class. I am in the process of negotiating a price but it will be between $70 and $90 including food.
2. Challenge yourself! Be more creative, spontaneous, and confident thanks to Drama!

Drama–especially improvisational types of drama–develop the skills needed for creative thinking. Because drama supports a redemption of the realms of play, imaginativeness, exuberance, and having fun we will be performing drama games. They will help us increase concentration, develop thinking skills and coordinate thought, emotion and action. They will train us in the ability to be creative and spontaneous. This class might start you on a wonderful journey to learn more about how action methods and drama can support growth and change in fascinating -- and even fun -- ways.
Exact contents of class and price to come. (Class taught by George, a professional actor/director and director of Origin Theater.
3. Rock Climbing at Chelsea Piers
Between $39 (1h30mn) and $42 (2hr)
4. Nude Male Model Drawing Class!
This studio course relates the study of the skeleton and the muscles to the male model... Fundamental drawing skills are NOT necessary :)! PREREQUISITE: A basic liking for the male body.

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