It seems we've left the Shelter speechless. Here are their comments when they learned of our large gift:
"I can only say, wow! I am rarely shocked in my profession, yet always amazed at the generosity of fellow human beings, and how simple gestures can restore faith in humanity. How wonderful! Thank you!" Candace Bowen, Creative Arts and Recreation Coordinator
Our original idea had been to pay for the Thanksgiving feast at the Shelter. But, we hope you will be as proud as we are to learn that our donation has the ability to do even more! Shawn Young, the Shelter Director told us it could pay for two projects that will have a greater and long lasting impact.
First, we will buy Move-Out Kits for the women who are about to settle into their own apartments. The kits will empower women to start their new life, and ease what is otherwise a scary transition. Due to recent city budget cuts, the Shelter has not been able to continue to afford the kits. We will help bridge that gap.
Second, Shawn noted "even though a shelter is a temporary home, it doesn't have to be sterile." He believes that creativity is a great healer. He, therefore, proposed that we create two beautiful murals for the Shelter, side-by-side with the women who live there. If there are Mice who are interested in participating in the creation of the mural in either an advisory or artistic role, please let us know.
The Shelter is always thrilled to have volunteers anytime. Feel free to contact:
Candace Bowen
Creative Arts and Recreation Coordinator
Brooklyn, NY 11215
718.369.7226 x249
Jacinta's delicious Barm Brack cake recipe can be found on her great website: www.thelookotheirish.com. Look for the posting: Irish Barm Brack: Take 2! Saturday, October 24, 2009.
For photos of the night go to the flickr slideshow.