Mice at Play is thrilled to welcome A-list nutritionist Alex Jamieson of Super Size Me-fame! Celebrated author of The Great American Detox Diet, Alex will share her nutrition and lifestyle secrets to keep Old Man Winter from fattening us up and beating us down. This informative, inspiring and interactive nutrition workshop will give you the tools to keep your body and soul on track for the cold months. You will also come away with a goody bag of some of Alex's hand-picked health and beauty products.
About Alex:
Alex Jamieson is a professionally-trained healthy gourmet chef and in addition, she is a certified health and nutrition counselor. She studied with ground-breaking pioneers in the field of nutrition. Alex is a nationally recognized television personality, author and the editor of the Nutrition for Empowered Women blog. She has been seen on Oprah, The Final Word, 30 Days and The National Health Test with Bryant Gumble. She was featured in the award-winning documentary Super Size Me. Her new book Living Vegan for Dummies will hit the shelves just one day after our Mice at Play workshop.

What people say about Alex’s workshops:
“Alex did a fantastic job making the material accessible, relevant and entertaining.”
“Her presentation is informative, entertaining, funny and, at the heart of it, forces you to ask questions about why you eat what you eat.”
“Feedback from our attendees was glowing, and we walked out of the room with a much better understanding of how the foods we eat affect our overall health.”
433 13th Street
Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY 11215
When: December 15th, 2009, 7pm
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